Central South Eastern Region
For more information about ALS Company Member elections 2021, please view the main webpage.
ALS Company Member candidates in the Central South Eastern Region are listed below in alphabetical order:
- Scott Avery
- Cindy Fuller
- Paul Gray
- Scott Hawkins
- Antionette House
- Tim Ireland
- Peta MacGillivray
- Anthony (Tony) McAvoy
- Keith Morgan
- Shania Morgan
- Paul Morris
- Sherrin Murphy
- Tamika Murphy
- Nicholas Riley
- Bunja Smith
- Alison Whittaker
Scott Avery
My name is Dr Scott Avery, a proud Worimi man who is also profoundly deaf. I am an advocate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability, and currently a lecturer on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disability and inclusion at Western Sydney University.
Disability is an untold story in the fight for justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Many young people with disability, particularly with hearing impairment or cognitive disability, find themselves on a pathway that places them on a trajectory into juvenile detention and then prison. In my application for Company Membership of the ALS, I will be seeking to elevate the voices of those young people with disability to alter that life trajectory, by creating a therapeutic model of justice in which they are respected, supported, and valued for the contribution that they can make in their life.
I have extensive experience in advocating the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to governments in justice, disability, education and health systems, and maintain close connection with Aboriginal community organisation such as the First Peoples Disability Network. In addition to my PhD qualification in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disability, I have law qualification including a Master of Busines Law and Graduate Diploma in Law.
Cindy Fuller
I have worked as a Public Servant – Commonwealth Employment Service and Department of Social Security in 1970’s - early 1980’s in Orange NSW, Women's Service ACT.
Department of Education ACT.
I am Wiradjuri– Kamilaroi Woman from my Mother and Father’s side of family.
I was born in Wailwan Country after both families were rounded up and put on Missions and Reserves.
I have resided in Ngunawal Country since 1991.
Paul Gray
Dr Paul Gray is a Wiradjuri man from NSW and Associate Professor at the Jumbunna Institute of Indigenous Education and Research, UTS, where he leads their child protection research hub. Paul is committed to reimagining child protection systems and practice to promote healing for our communities, and end their disproportionate impact on our children, families and communities.
Paul has worked in a range of roles focused on the safety and wellbeing of Aboriginal children and young people, including almost 5 years as the Executive Leader of Strategy, Policy and Evidence at AbSec (NSW Child, Family and Community Peak Aboriginal Corporation), the Aboriginal child protection peak organisation in NSW. In this role, Paul led the development of Aboriginal community-led policy frameworks, and advocated for systemic and practice reforms grounded in the rights and interests of Aboriginal children, families and communities. This work continues at UTS Jumbunna, working with families and communities to improve outcomes for Aboriginal children, their families and communities.
Paul continues to advocate for structural and practice reform, serving as co-chair of the Family Matters National Leadership Group, and as a member of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Working Group for the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children. He has a deep appreciation of the work of the Aboriginal Legal Service, particularly in child protection matters, but also understanding the relationship between out-of-home care and later involvement in the justice system, and is committed to supporting better outcomes for our children.
Scott Hawkins
Having worked in the administration of justice as it relates to Aboriginal people for over thirty years (including 10 years at the Western Aboriginal Legal Service) I think I can make a positive contribution to the ongoing success of the ALS through company membership. The ALS does work that no other organisation can and I have a lifelong passion in seeing that work continue. I have been in my current role with Legal Aid for the last twelve years and have maintained a strong working relationship with the ALS throughout.
Antionette House
Antionette has previously been a Member and ALS Board Member for several years and she was involved in the previous Aboriginal Legal Service for South Eastern NSW (SEALS) as Chairperson for several years. Antionette has been involved with the Aboriginal Legal Services in Brisbane and Ipswich. I believe the ALS provides a vital service for our people in a culturally appropriate manner while protecting the rights of our people and communities. Antionette has been involved in Aboriginal Affairs for most of her working life with a focus on Health, Education, Housing, Legal and Justice issues. Antionette has worked with Government and Community Organisations over many years.
Tim Ireland
Tim Ireland is a proud Bundjalung man from northern NSW, living in Sydney for more than 15 years, with home being Grafton. He has an extensive professional background in family and community services, aged care and disability services, and Aboriginal community development. Tim’s professional experience includes policy development, program management, funding administration and procurement, strategic and business planning, issues and media management, and importantly, community engagement and representation.
Tim has served as Chief Executive Officer of AbSec, the NSW Aboriginal peak body for children and families from 2015 to 2020. Tim previously held senior executive roles at the NSW Department of Family and Community Services focusing on change management, policy development, grants and funding and program development, and in Aboriginal community development roles within local government. He has led the development of whole of sector strategies, policies for Aboriginal communities and campaigns to advocate for change.
Tim has a strong passion and commitment to working and representing his community and realising impactful change that delivers better outcomes for every member of the community. In working towards this, he aims to use his professional experiences and networks to benefit Aboriginal communities in a culturally respectful and engaging way.
Peta MacGillivray
My name is Peta Ivy MacGillivray and I am a Kalkutungu lawyer and researcher. I live on Bidjigal land (Maroubra) in Sydney NSW. I have lived, worked and studied on Gadigal and Bidjigal land for the past 16 years. I have worked as a solicitor in NSW local courts and Children’s Courts. I have undergraduate degrees in Arts and Law, and a Masters in Law (Criminology and Criminal Justice). I have just commenced my PhD studies, which is on the criminalisation of children with intellectual disabilities and cognitive impairment. I am passionate and committed to Aboriginal community controlled governance, so that we can continue to protect and grow our organisations for future generations.
Anthony (Tony) McAvoy
Tony McAvoy is a Wirdi man from the central Queensland area around Clermont. He is also a native title holder in his grandmother’s country around Thargomindah in southwest Queensland.
He commenced work at the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service in Brisbane in 1983 after finishing high school. He studied Law part time. Tony graduated in law from QUT and was admitted as a solicitor in 1988. He was called to the Bar in NSW in 2000 and appointed as Senior Counsel in 2015. He was a Part Time Acting Commissioner on the NSW Land and Environment Court (2011-2013), In 2013 he was junior for the appellant in the racial discrimination case Maloney v Queensland in the High Court, and was co-Senior Counsel assisting the Don Dale Royal Commission (2016-2017). In 2018 he was awarded the QUT Outstanding Alumnus Award. He chairs professional committees for the Law Council of Australia and the NSW Bar Association, and is a Council Member of the Australian Institute of Judicial Administration. He was recently appointed to the advisory committee to Australian Law Reform Commission inquiry into judicial bias. He has represented many successful native title claimants, and been an adviser and negotiator in relation to various domestic First Nations treaty processes. Together with Chris Ronalds SC he established the National Indigenous Legal Conference in 2006 which has been annual event held in various locations around Australia every year (except 2020). He is a member of the Climate Ready Institute advisory council. He was recently appointed as a Commissioner on the NSW Independent Planning Commission.
He regularly represents NSW South Coast Aboriginal fishers in relation to abalone charges on a pro bono basis.
Keith Morgan
Firstly I am an Aboriginal father of ten children and nineteen Grand Children at present. I have a list of qualifications but will only name a few. I have a trade Certificate in Carpentry & Joinery. I have a Diploma in Aboriginal Health & Community Development. I have a Masters Degree in Indigenous Health. I have Certificates in Business Management and Business Planning. I was the last ATSIC Chairperson for the Queanbeyan Region which takes up the majority of Central South Eastern Region for the ALS. I have been on numerous Aboriginal Committees. I feel if I am on the ALS Board then I can contribute to a fair go for our Mob. I will ensure that processes are put in place to make everyone accountable for their actions.
Shania Morgan
My name is Shania Morgan. I am a proud Pitjara/Bidjara Women on my Mothers side and a proud Wiradjuri Women on my Fathers side. I am proud of who I am and where I come from. I was born on Ngunnawal County. I may have limited experiences but I am passionate about issues affecting our communities. Given an opportunity to become a member of the ALS NSW/ACT, I will bring a voice to the youth. I am currently working as a chairside dental assistant.
Paul Morris
My name is Paul Morris and I am a Dunghutti/Wonnarua man. I am the father of 3 adult children and 3 grandchildren. I am passionate about improving the Aboriginal Community, especially on the social justice front. I have previously worked for the ALS and various other Aboriginal organisations in senior management roles and bring an array of skills in management, vast network and connection to Aboriginal Communities across the State and Country. I have numerous family members who have been caught up in situations which has led them to be incarcerated and this is a area I feel we can address by leading and educating our community and other stakeholders.
Sherrin Murphy
I am a proud Pitjara/Bidjara Woman on my Mother’s side and a proud Jinaburra Woman on my Father’s side. I have lived on the Yuin and Ngunnawal Countries for thirty years. I am passionate about All issues affecting my people. I have served on many community Boards within my region.
I am only one person but I hope that my knowledge, experiences, and skills that I bring to the ALS can make positive improvements of services provided to our Aboriginal Community of NSW/ACT.
Tamika Murphy
My name is Tamika Murphy and I am a proud Wiradjuri, Ngunnawal woman on my father’s side where the beautiful NSW/ACT Murrumbidgee river runs and a proud Pitjara, Bidjara, Gubbi Gubbi, Jininbra woman on my mother’s side from sunny QLD. I have a strong connection to my countries and am known and respected by the First Nations communities of where I am from. Commencing in the First Nations Unit with my government organisation I am passionate about influencing and empowering members to support better opportunities for First Nations people. My role is to implement projects, policies and initiatives that have a strong emphasis on cultural reform. I am generating positive change to reach a common goal between my organisation and the First Nations community. I am a role model for junior members and I demonstrate this by my involvement in representing the First Nations peoples at community and political significant events. I would love the opportunity to work for the ALS to focus on First Nations strategic, political and operational significance and I am committed to working towards positive goals to increase legal representation/support for my people.
Nicholas Riley
I am a proud Tjapukai young Aboriginal man. I am always willing and striving to learn more everyday. I am currently employed as a 1st year carpenter. I was born in Nowra and have lived in many Aboriginal Communities. I have a goal of owning my own business and not only working but employing Aboriginal and TSI people to obtain a trade. I am young but I make up with enthusiasm and grassroots experiences.
Bunja Smith
Bunja identifies as a Walbanga and Murramerang man from the greater Yuin Nation and is a recognised Aboriginal Elder. He is a proven competent leader, capable of multitasking and maintains his own employment as the Business Manager of Bumberung Aboriginal Corporation while striving to influence the advancement of Aboriginal people wherever possible.
He is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and describes himself as a man of many lived experiences that contributed to honing him into the leader he is today. Bunja has formerly been a Director of the Batemans Bay Local Aboriginal Land Council, Director and Deputy Chair of the Southern NSW Medicare Local, Chair of Katungul Aboriginal Medical and Community Service and a Director Grand Pacific Health.Currently he is the Chair of the Biamanga National Park Board of Management, a Director on the Board of the South East Local Land Services, and a Director on the Board of the Aboriginal Legal Service NSW & ACT.
“I offer a unique skill set which includes governance, leadership, Aboriginality and a family history of connection to country and our people. Which is exactly what the ALS needs at this point in time to drive strategic thinking and provide strong leadership as the organisation faces funding challenges and constitutional change to establish strong governance moving forward.”
Alison Whittaker
I’m Alison Whittaker. I’m a Gomeroi woman, an academic in law and a poet.